The construction industry is one of the most information-intensive industries, as a major construction process requires extensive exchange of data and information between the project’s participants on a regular basis.  We at Progressive believe that ‘information is power’ and the success or failure of any project depends heavily on efficiency and the effectiveness in using the right technology.

To ensure effective management we have implemented state of the art IT infrastructure which includes the latest in cloud computing, project management softwares and mobile device management.  All our project sites are connected via email and enterprise software which allows vital data to flow within the organization and its structure from different locations. Our systems allow us to perform vital operations such as task control, data integration, material and resource control, and communication between the company and the suppliers. The ease and ready availability of this information has enabled our team to take the right and most prudent decision at the correct time thereby lowering both project costs and time.

Our database management systems help us keep track of all our vendors and suppliers along with other allied agency. Our employees are constantly encouraged to adopt new forms of technology to achieve the time, cost, and quality goals of a construction project.